Sarasota (941) 586-7897
Bradenton (941) 677-7208


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How Can I Find a Registered Agent?

If you need to serve process to certain types of businesses in Florida, the first thing you’ll need to do is figure out the contact information for the company’s registered agent. A registered agent is an individual officially designated by the company to receive mail, important documents, filings, and notices, including court process and other legal communications. In this post, we’ll discuss which types of businesses must be served via their registered agent, how to find a registered agent’s information, and where to go in Sarasota if you need help finding a company’s registered agent.

Businesses That Must be Served via Registered Agent

Not all business types must be served via their registered agent in Florida. According to Chapter 48 of the Civil Practice and Procedure section of the 2023 Sunshine Statutes (i.e., Florida’s process server laws), service of process must be attempted on the registered agent for the following business types: Continue reading

Can a Process Server Call You?

If a process server is trying to find you to serve you legal papers, you may be wondering just how they’re planning to get in touch with you. Process servers have various methods at their disposal they can use to find process recipients. In this post, we’ll find out how process servers are allowed to contact process recipients in the state of Florida.


The most common way a process server will attempt to reach you is in person. This is because in-person service of process is the preferred method of service in Florida, so if a process server can find you in person, they can go ahead and serve you and finish their job. Continue reading

How to Serve Someone Who Is Avoiding Service

It’s not really out of the ordinary for some people to go to great lengths to avoid a process server. However, this childish behavior just delays the court case, since avoiding a process server will not stop the case from moving forward eventually. The delays add up to more fees and costs for everyone involved, plus adds a burden to the court system and schedule. Ultimately, the process will still be served and the case will move forward, whether the process recipient is ever served in person or not. In this post, we’ll go over the various ways process servers can serve someone who is actively avoiding service. Continue reading

What Kinds of Papers do Process Servers Serve?

From complex criminal cases to small claims court, court paperwork is always on the move. Process servers are crucial to the functioning of this system, making sure vital paperwork makes it to its intended recipient before the deadline. This ensures that the court schedule flows smoothly and cases don’t get backed up due to lack of notification. But exactly what types of papers do process servers deliver? In this post, we’ll go over some of the most common types of paperwork that process servers deal with here in Florida.

Summons and Complaints

Summons and complaints are probably the most common types of court paperwork, known as process, delivered by process servers. These documents set the foundation for a civil lawsuit by detailing where the case has been filed, when the upcoming court hearing is scheduled, and what exactly the case involves. Without formal delivery of the summons and complaint, a civil lawsuit cannot proceed. Continue reading

How Many Times Will a Process Server Attempt to Serve?

The role of a process server is crucial for the formal delivery of legal documents, known as the service of process. These servers are responsible for ensuring that legal documents reach the appropriate individuals, businesses, or government entities. A question we often get from clients is “How many times will you attempt in-person service?” This post explains our stance on multiple personal service attempts and outlines what happens if personal service isn’t possible.

How Many Times Will a Process Server Attempt Delivery?

In Florida, process servers generally make several service attempts before requesting an alternative service method. The exact number of these attempts varies based on the server’s individual policy and the specific circumstances of each case. In Florida, the law does not specify a maximum limit for service attempts by a process server, so theoretically, they could attempt service dozens of times. However, it’s a standard practice for process servers to cap their personal service attempts at around three. Continue reading

Can a Process Server Serve Papers at Any Time During the Day?

In the world of legal procedures, the role of a process server is crucial. They are responsible for ensuring that individuals are officially notified of their involvement in a legal matter. This notification is typically achieved through the delivery of legal documents such as summons, complaints, and subpoenas. For businesses and individuals in Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida, Accurate Serve® is a reliable name in the realm of process serving, offering a range of services to cover all your legal support needs.

Understanding the Timing of Process Service in Florida

One common question that arises in this field is about the timing of process serving. Can a process server deliver documents at any time of the day? The answer in Florida is yes…process servers can technically serve documents at any time of the day. Continue reading

Effective Communication Skills For Process Servers

In the world of legal services, the role of a process server is integral to the judicial process. At Accurate Serve® of Sarasota, Florida, with an additional office in Bradenton, we understand that effective communication is key to the success of process serving. Serving in Florida’s 12th Judicial Circuit, which covers Sarasota, Manatee, and DeSoto counties, our certified process servers are not just adept at delivering documents but are also skilled communicators. This post will discuss the vital communication skills that process servers should possess.

Understanding the Role of a Process Server

Process servers are responsible for delivering legal documents such as summonses, subpoenas, and complaints. This role is governed by both federal and state laws. Federally, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure outline the requirements for legal document delivery. In Florida, servers must follow the 2023 Florida Statutes, Chapter 48, and be certified by the judicial circuit they operate in. The 12th Judicial Circuit governs process servers in Sarasota, Bradenton, and surrounding areas. Continue reading

What Does Proof of Service Entail?

When it comes to the legal process, every step is crucial for the case to move forward smoothly. One such vital step is the service of process, which involves delivering legal documents to the parties involved in a lawsuit. But how do you confirm that the documents have been successfully delivered? This is where “Proof of Service” comes into play. In this post, we will delve into what Proof of Service entails, its importance, and the laws governing it.

What is Proof of Service?

Proof of Service is a legal document that serves as evidence that the papers have been properly served to the intended recipient. This document is usually filled out by the process server and may require notarization. It outlines the details of the service, including the date, time, and location where the papers were served, as well as the name of the person who received them. Continue reading

How to Serve Process on a Business

Navigating the legal intricacies of the serving process on a business can be complex, especially if you’re unfamiliar with Florida’s specific regulations. Whether you’re an attorney, a business owner, or an individual, understanding the correct procedure is crucial to ensure your legal actions are valid. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to effectively serve process on a business in Sarasota and Manatee counties.

Gather the Necessary Documents

After initiating your lawsuit with the Clerk of Court, you’ll receive a copy of your complaint and a summons. These documents, along with any other relevant forms, must be given to the process server. Continue reading

Benefits of Document Retrieval

Running a law firm is no small feat. Between managing cases, overseeing staff, and ensuring client satisfaction, the last thing you want is to be bogged down by paperwork. That’s where document retrieval services, like those offered by Accurate Serve of Sarasota, come into play. These services can revolutionize the way your law firm operates, offering a range of benefits that include cost savings, enhanced organization, and reduced stress for your team. 

Cost-Efficiency: A Smart Investment

Legal cases often involve a labyrinth of documents, and managing them can be a resource-intensive task. Some law firms even go to the extent of hiring dedicated staff just to keep track of these papers. By opting for a specialized document retrieval service, you can cut down on in-house staffing needs and overhead costs, without compromising on the quality of service.  Continue reading

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